Hello, Name here is Dean. I have been a General Class operator since May of 2006. I'm a proud 2009 recipient of the WAS award. As of today, 5 June 2010 I have 26 QSL'S toward DXCC. I transmit on HF with a Yaesu FT-840 pushing 100 watts through a Hustler 6-VTB Vertical multiband antenna mounted on the ground. I also transmit localy with a Yaesu 2800 2 meter rig using a Comet GP-9M on a 30 foot mast. Both rigs are powered by an Alinco DM-340MV power supply in my living room. I also use a laptop computer with the Echolink and Skype (murphy dean riggan) programs. I hang out mostly on the Butner, NC (146.940- (offset to .340) repeater which I monitor daily. I am disabled (with MS) retired Staff Sergeant from the NCARNG (AGR/FULL TIME)(18 years). I am 53 years old, married with 3 sons. My military career was spent in Louisburg, NC, Oxford, NC, Greensboro, NC, and Durham, NC as a Supply Specialist, a Canon Crewman (M110 and M109 Howitzer), a Motor Transport Operator (HET Trucks), and Small Arms Repairman. I competed (Expert Class) with the Army throughout my career with the Pistol (M1911 match and hardball and the M9 Beretta) M14 an M16 rifle, the M240 and M249 machineguns, and the M21 and M24 Sniper Weapon Systems. I am thrilled with my newfound Ham Hobby. Call me sometime on Echolink , Skype (Murphy Riggan) or on the 2M repeater, where I constantly monitor, or e-mail me andwe will schedule an HF QSO.