Thanks for checking this out! Anyway, I'm living in Butner, NC at my first QTH. I look forward to how far I'll go in this hobby and I look forward to the many contacts I'll make along the way. I have upgraded to a no code general. That is one dream come true. My rig is a Yaesu FT-857D with an Arrow dual band J-pole for 2meter and 440Mhz communications and I also have a homebrew dual band Jpole but Due to the restrictions out here, I can't get on HF or get the antennas high enough but I can pretty much hit some of the local repeaters. I really shouldn't forget my HT. It is a Yaesu VX170. I also claim this Dell PC as part of my radio system . A Pyramid and A MFJ power supply powers the radios. Well, that's pretty much it for my equipment for now although I do hope to get much more in time. I'll be adding more as time goes on so check back soon to see what's new! I'm still looking for a compact HF antenna so I can get back on the air. If you can help, Please do so! 73 Keith KI4IES